YIELD RATESdownload_on_the_app_store_med

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Touch the graphs to pan back and forth, move from date to date, and read individual values.
This app displays graphs of US Treasury Yield rates for the current and prior 5 years.
The top line graphs show yield rate trends by date for each maturity (1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, 2 year, 3 year, 5 year, 7 year, 10 year, 20 year and 30 year). Dates are from 2008 through the latest available, which is usually one business day prior.
The lower bar graph will display all yield rates by maturity for a given date (yield curve). The date is selected by pressing and holding any point on one of the top curves. 
The graphs are interactive and can be scrolled or resized to zoom in or out. Touching and holding a point on either graph will display its values.
The current year values are downloaded from the Daily Treasury Yield Curve Rates website.
This product is not endorsed or certified by the US Treasury or any governmental agency and is provided for educational use only.
Feel free to contact me at mathinterest@mathinterest.com

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